Sunday, March 29, 2015

Queue (Data Structure)

Rear end – insert
Front end – Delete

Queue is a linear data structure in which one end called rear is used to insert data element and another end called front is used to delete the data elements. In queue the data element which is inserted at first is the item to be deleted first, so we can say that queue as FIFO data structure.

Example of queue in real life are people waiting for a service in a bank, in a library, airport etc. in 
computer multiple processes wait in a queue for getting services of CPU, printer or any other devices

Queue operations
1. Create empty queue
2. Check whether a queue is empty or not
3. Check whether a queue is full or not.
4. Insert one element at the rear of the queue if the queue is not full in case of implementating queue       using array
5. Delete an element from the front of the queue is not empty.
6 .Print all queue elements

Implementation of Queue
#define size 5
void main()
     int queue[size];
     int data i,choice;
     int front = 0;
     int rear = 0;
             printf("\n1. Insert data");
             printf("\n2. Delete data");
             printf("\n3. Display data");
             printf("\n4. Exit");
             printf("Enter your choice:");
             printf("%d", &choice);
              case 1:
                         if(rear<size) // means queue is not full
                          printf("Enter data");
                          scanf("%d", &data);
                          queue[rear] = data;
                               printf("Queue is full");
             case 2:
                              printf("The deleted data item is %d", queue[front]);
                               printf("Queue is empty");
           case 3:
                       printf("queue element are");
                       for(i=front; i<=rear; i++)
                                printf("%d", queue[i]);

                          printf("Queue is empty");
           case 4:

Circular Queue
     In a circular queue after reaching to a last element, , the last element of the queue is the first element. So the queue moves in circularly and physically there is no first and last element. Circular queue eliminates the basic drawbacks of linear queue.

Array implementation of circular queue
#define size 5
void main()
      int cqueue[size];
      int data, i, choice, j;
      int rear = 0;
      int front = 0;
      int count = 0;//to count the total number of elements in a queue
                  printf("\n1. Insert data");
                  printf("\n2. Delete data");
                  printf("\n3.Display data");
                  printf("\n4. exit");
                  printf("Enter your choice:");
                  scanf("%d", &choice);
                              case 1:
                                          if(count<size)//queue is not full
                                                      printf("Enter data");
                                                      scanf("%d", &data);
                                                      queue[rear] = data;
                                                      rear = (rear+1)%size;
                                                      printf("Queue is already full");
                              case 2:
                                          if(count > 0)//queue is not empty
                                                      printf("Deleted item is %d", cqueue[front]);
                                                      front = (front+1)%size;
                                                      printf("queue is empty");
                              case 3:
                                          i = front;
                                          j = 0;
                                          while(j < count)
                                                      i = (i+1)%size;
                              case 4:

Priority queue
A priority queue is a data structure in which the ordering of the elements does determine the results of its basic operations. There are two types of priority queues.
-          Ascending priority queue
-          Descending priority queue

An ascending priority queue is a collection of items into which items can be inserted arbitrarily and from which only the smallest item can be removed and a descending priority queue is a queue that allows deletion of only the largest item.

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