Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Definition of Statistics

Origin and Definition of Statistics

C,C++,OOP(Object Oreinted Programming)

C++  Programming Language is better than C Programming.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Binary Tree (Strictly, Complete,Transversal binary tree)

Binary tree is a tree

Tree (Data Structure)

         Tree can be defined as a finite set of vertices(nodes zero or more) such that:

Stack (Data Structure)

The Stack
The stack is an ordered collection of items into which items may be inserter and from which items may be deleted from one end which is known as top of the stack i.e. a single end of the stack is designated as the stack top.

Link list (Delete operation)

Delete operation
When we are deleting any node we have to follow a procedure

Link list (Insert operation)

Link list -: 

                 A linked list is a collection of nodes and every node in the list contains two fields as
                     - Data or information field
                     - Next address or pointer field

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Queue (Data Structure)

Rear end – insert
Front end – Delete

Queue is a linear data structure in which one end called rear is used to insert data element and another end called front is used to delete the data elements. In queue the data element which is inserted at first is the item to be deleted first, so we can say that queue as FIFO data structure.